Envisioning an alternative world

Making AI Art Responsibly: A Field Guide

Lia Coleman

Machine learning tools provide the potential for unprecedented creative expression, but also the potential to cause unintended harms.

“Making AI Art Responsibly: A Field Guide” is an illustrated zine composed of questions and case studies to help ...

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Left: a cute blob with a speech bubble saying, "Hi! I'm an artist who wants to use AI in my work!" Right: 4 icons with the text "You'll need: 1) Dataset, 2) Model Code, 3) Training resources, 4) A publishing plan"
A page with the title "dataset". On the left, an illustration of files and papers drifting down from a cloud into a large stack of papers.
A page with the title "Model Code". On the left, an illustration of a stack of blocks, and another block about to be placed on the pile of blocks.


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Publication Date

September 2020

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