Envisioning an alternative world

The Life is a Freestyle Quaranzine

Full Circle

With work by eleven rappers who are part of Full Circle, the art, poetry, and essays in this zine explore the conceptual metaphor LIFE IS A FREESTYLE.


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A few minutes

Creator Background

United States

Publication Date

November 2020

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I appreciated every second of reading this and the observations throughout. I really felt The Last Maven's piece about reading the room, and the situational awareness they have in so many situations and how every moment requires so many decisions to be "free."

I resonated with the observations from everyone in the interview excerpts, in particular Buddhika Bellana talking about the constraints you're given in life, working within those limitations, and recombining things in interesting ways to learn from them.

There were so many moments throughout that I connected with and I really appreciate everyone putting this publication together. Thanks for sharing it!

1430d 🙏

@Artemio Morales Thanks very much, Art! Many, though not all, of the contributions were developed in other contexts as part of the broader Life is a Freestyle project. The Last Maven's piece started as a blog post. Buddhika Bellana's insights were shared in an interview that was done on IG Live. So not only is the zine a collaboration, it's also a gathering from these and other contexts.

And, as you may have guessed, the contributors are not mainly zine writers. It's the first experience for most to contribute to a zine. What unites Full Circle is being rappers.

1421d 🙏